ЗА УЧЕНИЦИ ЗА ВЪЗРАСТНИ ПОДГОТОВКА СЕРТИФИКАТНИ ИЗПИТИ Индивидуално обучение Корпоративен английски Изпитен център Сертифициране на преподаватели Начало За нас Новини Предстоящо Работа Контакти MY AVO ВХОДЯЩ ТЕСТ
лого Кеймбридж лого EAQUALS

Part-time YL Teacher

If you are a career-minded, enthusiastic, sociable, dedicated, lively English language teacher, you can join our highly professional team of young learner teachers.


  • Teaching young learners at different levels
  • Attending teachers’ meeting
  • Participating in internal teacher training seminars
  • Active and creative contribution to the professional events organised by the school

Professional support provided by the school:

  • Opportunities for professional development (regular internal teacher training + support for participation at local professional events)
  • Opportunity to be trained as an oral Cambridge examiner
  • Opportunity to apply for scholarship to complete a DELTA course run by the school (after two years service)

To apply:

Please email your C.V. and cover letter to jobs@avo.bg

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